Miko Gakkou Monogatari: Kaede Episode available on PlayStation Mobile

2015年6月9日(火) 18:42

We are glad to announce that our newest game: Miko Gakkou Monogatari: Kaede Episode is now available on PlayStaion Mobile.

Even though Sony is finishing PlayStation Mobile, we decided to go ahead and publish the game, even though it will only be available for a few weeks. If you want this game on your Vita, this is the time to get it.

In preparation for the end of PlayStation Mobile, new games could only be submitted until May 31, and updates to existing games can be sent until July 15.

Because of this, we had no choice but to submit the game in an incomplete state.

Don't worry, we will bring the rest of the game as two free updates through the following weeks. You bought a full game, and you will get a full game.

  • The initial release of the game, as it will be released tomorrow, ends after the fourth day of in-game play.

  • The first update will be submitted later this week, and will contain the story up to day 8, as well as some bugfixes.

  • The second and final update, will take 2 to 3 more weeks to finish, and will include the entire game, with all 6 possible endings and side quests.

The game will let you know when the update is ready, but you can also follow us on twitter to get informed when the update is ready.

Thank you very much for supporting us, and let's mikomiko on the PlayStation Vita! (until PlayStation Mobile ends T_T)



